gata, cáceres bahasa Inggris
- collado (cáceres): collado de la vera
- cáceres, sepanyol: cáceres, spain
- cáceres, spanyol: cáceres, spain
- provinsi cáceres: province of cáceres
- wilayah cáceres: province of cáceres
- keuskupan agung cáceres: roman catholic archdiocese of cáceres
- keuskupan coria-cáceres: roman catholic diocese of coria-cáceres
- daftar munisipalitas di cáceres: list of municipalities in cáceres
- kawasan perbandaran di cáceres: municipalities in the province of cáceres; list of municipalities in cáceres
- keuskupan são luíz de cáceres: roman catholic diocese of são luíz de cáceres
- ceres–negros f.c.: united city f.c.
- ceres: ceres (dwarf planet); ceres
- ceres (to): ceres, piedmont
- algar, cádiz: algar, andalusia
- cápa: shark